Testamonials AKA

Nice Things people have said about Pooterland

Dr.UIDA Liquid Light Experiment

Luis Henríquez
(Dr.UIDA Liquid Light Experiment) January 2021


Hello Pooter (?),
I have enjoyed dipping into your excellent website on numerous occasions over the many years that you have run it and I think that it’s brilliant that you have maintained one of the very few online archives of the relatively undocumented 1980’s British Psychedelic Scene.

Michael Dog
(Planet Dog/MegaDog) January 2021


If it is not too late I would like to reconnect and also THANK YOU for creating, what I am now seeing as a remarkable index of light shows.

Jeane Z. Champion
(Eye Dream of Jeane Light Show) January 2021

Astral Projections

Sophie Kenny
(Astral Projections) January 2021


Am going to be eighty-two years old on January 30, 2021. Have had a remarkable life.

Don't know how much longer this (COVID) will go on, but whatever happens will be all right.

Your web page has come along nicely. Keep up the good work. Thanks for all you do.

Take care, and stay safe.

JC Allison
(AllisonWonderland Concert Lightshow) January 2021


Hi Pooterland (I don't seem to have your name?)

Thanks again for the entry in your website and for all the excellent work you are doing.

Keith Wilkins
(Great Western Light Show) November 2020


Hi Pooterland,

I am totally impressed with your great website! So glad that Light Shows are getting the attention they deserve.

You are doing great things for so many light workers.

Bob Pullum
(Brotherhood Of Light) Novmeber 2020


Dear Pooter,

Every now and then we take a look at your renewed website. A big load of information for us. Nice and useful. Congrats. Keep up the good work.

Piet Koster & Sjaco Karmelk
(Lightshow Sphinx) October 2020


I have followed your site for years and want to express my appreciation for your efforts to organize and maintain your list of Light Shows.

John Hardham
(Heavy Water Light Show) October 2020



Very good idea and work, thank you very much for the community!

Damien Frébourg
(Captain D. Light) July 2020


Hello Pooter People,

It's Joshua White here. I was the founder of Joshua Light Show.

Thank you for founding and now updating the site. When you began Pooters I was not performing Light Shows.

It gave me great pleasure to see that somebody cared about Psychedelia enough to found a web site in the age of Dial-Up no less.

Joshua White
(Joshua Light Show) June 2020



My name is Steve of Liquid Light Lab, and I work with a lot of old school and new school Light Show techniques.

I have been in contact with almost everyone who is still active these days, but it occurred to me that I had never reached out to you.

Your page is the best, and honestly a godsend for putting together the history of this artform.

Steve Pavlovsky
(Liquid Light Lab) March 2014


I was looking on the Net for any reviews on "Barved Zumizion" when I fell on the few but very kind words you say ! https://www.pooterland.com/lightshows_zumizion.html

Thank you very much.

Bernard Szajner
(Barved Zumizion) January 2013


Hi Pooter,

I came across your amazing Lightshow Index by chance, great to see some recognition of those of us who regularly suffered from 'lightshow finger' in the sixties! (purple finger tips resulting from staining by the inks we used, the mix always ended up as a muddy purple and took days to wash off!), and to see some good info, I always wondered who, where and when the shows started and who first developed liquid slides.

Pat Myhill
(Impact Lights, Stone Of Orthanc) March 2009


Hi there,
First I want to thank you again for the link to the Freshlight Lightshow in Germany and congratulate you to this very import master peace of psychedelic information on your web site.

Lightful wishes from Berlin
Robert Königseder
(Freshlight Light Show) June 2004


Hello, my name is Gary Ewing of THE GARY EWING VISUALS LIGHT SHOW in Portland Oregon.

I like your site a lot but then I'M PARTIAL TO LIGHTSHOWS!

Gary Ewing (Gary Ewing Lights) November 2003


Cor Blimey???
How the fuck did you get into this brilliant website for us poor slobs to congregate in ?

I do thank you for bringing a little more recognition of this art form, and for the listings... amazing that there are so many, I had no idea that all these people were out there.

Best regards, Mick B. (a.k.a. Mad Mick Brockett)
(Nektar Lightshow) October 2002


I would like to see if SPLS could make a contribution to the Pooterland Psychedelic Lightshow section.

I have been a fan of Pooterland since I started doing Light Shows and would like to have SPLS added.

Michael McGlone
(State Prison Lightshow) October 2002


Neil Rice said you were keeping our dreams of youth alive. I just checked.

Shit, I'd forgotten half of that stuff.

Now I'm remembering all the hilarious and ridiculous things we used to get away with in the 60's and 70's, and the wonderful stuff we used to do.

Keith Canadine
(Optikinetics) July 2002


Thank you so much for your precious list of Light Shows that I found by chance while "surfing the net", I even found a photo of my old "boss" (and friend) Jimmy Doody of Krishna Lights.

Luigi Fedele
(Luigi Fedele Light Show) July 2002



Wow! It looks great! You are sensational! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Also, stumbling across you, and working together to write the bio got our juices flowing.

We are now engaged in a six-way email "oral history" of our light show. As each person sends in their reminiscences, I add them to the main narrative and send everything out all over again, so everyone has a chance to comment on everyone else's memories.

In humble gratitude,

David Hillis
(Little Princess 109) June 2002


Hi POoTer,

I spent some time looking at your site over Christmas, particularly the old posters - I love it.

I used to frequent Middle Earth when it was in Covent Garden and went to as many festivals and concerts as I could between '67 and '70, so I am really into what you are doing.

John Lethbridge
(Cerebrum Lights) May 2002



I can't remember exactly where we were on our last round. I think you suggested looking at your web site, which I did.

It is great that you are pursueing this undertaking. I must complement your efforts.

Kenvin Lyman
(Rainbow Jam) November 2001


Hello Pooter!

Great website. It's very interesting and I never would have though there were so many Light Shows to list! Sometimes it seems like we are the only ones out there anymore.

I'm amazed.

Jim Lascko
(Solar Fire) May 2001



I'm one of those lightshow guys from the past. I'm really glad that you set up a place to contact. Thank you for your interest.

I have some history to share...

Best Regards ,
Lightshow Bob Pullum
(Brotherhood Of Light) February 2001