Days In The Life : Voices From The English Underground 61 - 71 - Jonathon Green
(ISBN 10: 0749390123)
Jonothan Green offers a time trip from lat-fifties CND, beatniks and bop to the threshold of our own decade's designer revolutionaries and style warriors.
Green has collected 101 quintessential sixties groovers and lovingly teased out their memories, all of them refreshingly self-critical and remarkably sharpened by hindsight. |
Dead Moon: Off the Grid - Eric Isaacson, Erin Yanke, Szim.
(ISBN-13 978-3955751265
Dead Moon were a lo-fi Garage/Rock'n'Roll band from Portland, Oregon, active for almost 20 years between 1987 and 2006, during which time the band gained a mythical and legendary iconic status.
'Off the Grid' is a 'dizzying oral history'* about this most stubborn, idealistic and arguably wildest band in the world - a saga about love itself and the love of rock and roll, about DIY and about an improbable career.
The biography of singer Fred Cole (formerly of The Weeds, Lollipop Shoppe and The Rats before Dead Moon) is like a roller-coaster ride through countless bands and musical styles beginning in the Teenbeat era of the 60s driven by an invisible force and one big love.
They cultivated their DIY code built around Fred's superstitions and avoidance of conventional music industry pitfalls. They toured around the world, played in live clubs between Oregon, Europe and New Zealand. They cut their own records and ran their own music store and label - Tombstone Music.
Their story is completely unique in the pantheon of rock music; a group who never sold out, never gave in and built a legacy of art and community in a sustainable way almost unheard of. The book is a tribute to their unique aesthetic, unbelievable twisted path of a story and role as pioneers of the Portland music scene. 'Off The Grid' is a declaration of love to DEAD MOON, to music in general and to rock and roll in particular.
The documentation tells the entire Dead Moon saga in the words of the band itself. Editor Simone "Szim" Müller spent weeks in Fred Cole's attic sifting through photos, flyers and tour diaries, collecting posters and T-shirts and conducting extensive interviews.
This third revised and updated edition contains 20 more pages than the original. The already extensive photo section now holds even more historical material, posters, flyers and, exclusive to this edition, an interview with Hans Kesteloo** as well as an extended and completed discography & gig list. *Gregor Kessler - is a German author and sometime contributes to international publications including Ugly Things **Hans Kesteloo - is the man credited with 'discovering' the band in Europe |
Death & Fame: Last Poems 1993-1997 - Allen Ginsberg (ISBN-13 : 978-0060930837)
Allen Ginsberg was one of the bravest and most admired poets of this century. Famous for energizing the Beat Generation literary movement upon his historic encounter with Gregory Corso, Jack Kerouac, and William Burroughs in mid-century New York City, Ginsberg influenced several generations of writers, musicians, and poets. When he died on April 5, 1997, we lost one of the greatest figures of twentieth-century American literary and cultural history. This singular volume of final poems commemorated the anniversary of Ginsberg's death, and includes the verses he wrote in the years shortly before he died. |
Desolation Angels - Jack Kerouac
(ISBN13: 9781573225052)
The classic novel from the definitive voice of the Beat Generation, Desolation Angels is the story of Kerouac's life just before the publication of On the Road--as told through his fictional self--Jack Duluoz. As he hitches, walks, and talks his way across the world, Duluoz perceives the angel that is in everything. It is life as he sees it.
Detroit Rocks! A Pictorial History of Motor City Rock and Roll 1965 to 1975 - Gary Grimshaw, Leni Sinclair
(ISBN 13: 9780982386118)
"The counterculture energy crackles off the pages of this full-color picture book, a project by two of Detroit rock's enduring figures — photographer Leni Sinclair and illustrator Gary Grimshaw.
Packed with rare and iconic images of hometown rockers and visiting kindred spirits, the book captures that bright, noisy burst circa 1966-1972, when rock grit, R&B spirit and political heat fused into a distinctive Detroit brew." — The Detroit Free Press, December 15, 2013 |
The Doors of Perception: Heaven and Hell - Aldous Huxley
(ISBN-13 : 978-1907590092)
In 1952 Aldous Huxley became involved in the now legendary experiment to clinically detail the physiological and psycho-logical effects of the little known drug used by Mexican and Native American elders in religious practices. The drug was Peyote-now commonly know as mescalin. By the standards of the time, Huxley was a hard working, respected, and reserved intellectual from a highly intelligent, well-know, and eccentric British family. By any standards, the results of the experiment were remarkable. The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell detail the practic-alities of the experiment and give Huxley's vivid account of his im-mediate experience and the more prolonged effect upon his sub-sequent thinking and awareness. At first, the reader is drawn in by the sheer naivety and tom-foolery of the proposal but is soon caught in a finely woven net by the juxtaposition of Huxley's formidable intellect, his remarkable ability to convey the experience in such acute and truthful detail, and his incredible modesty. In 1922 Gertrude Stein famously wrote - A rose is a rose is a rose. In proving her right, Huxley also shows the deeper meaning be-hind the apparently simple verse and goes on to deliver such spec-tacular accounts of the most everyday objects that the reason for their repeated and continual renderings by all the major artists throughout history suddenly becomes quite clear. For the con-scious and willing reader - a trip to the Guggenheim, the Louvre or the Tate Modern will never be the same again. |
Doors Unhinged: Jim Morrison's Legacy Goes on Trial - John Densmore
(ISBN-13 : 978-0986037917)
The Doors' drummer recounts the court case between the surviving members as they battle for use of the group name and the commercial use of their songs. |
Dreams, Fantasies and Nightmares from Far Away Lands: Canadian, Australasian and Latin American Rock and Pop, 1963-75 - Vernon Joynson
(ISBN-13 : 978-1899855100)
Covers rock, pop, beat, folk, folk-rock, blues-rock, psychedelia, flower pop, garage and progressive rock from far away lands. This revamped version of the 1999 edition features a vastly expanded Latin American section and a completely new section on South Africa. The encyclopaedic guide contains discographies, line-up information and brief biographies as well as some comment about the music, compilation listings and an up-to-date rarity scale for album releases between 1963-1976. |
Dreams Unreal: The Genesis of the Psychedelic Rock Poster - by Scott B. Montgomery, Andrew Connors, Titus O'Brien (ISBN-13 : 978-0826361509)
The music scene that sprang up across the Bay Area from 1965 to 1970 was energetic, immensely creative, and loudly outspoken. Bands needed theaters to play in, music promoters needed to get the word out about the shows, and a group of talented young artists producing dreamy, free-form work needed a medium of expression. Thus was born the psychedelic rock poster, one of the most explosively inventive, instantly recognizable, and profoundly influential aesthetic movements of the last century.
A group of young visual artists provided perfectly trippy visuals to accompany soundtracks by bands like the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Santana, the Doors, and many more. These artists - including Lee Conklin, Rick Griffin, Alton Kelley, Bonnie Maclean, Victor Moscoso, Stanley Mouse, Wes Wilson, and others created a new artistic genre: the collectible rock concert poster. Some are household names today while others are largely forgotten, but the poster art that gave visual life to the amazing music lives on in Dreams Unreal. |