Spektraflash Lighting


Hi there,

Been a huge admirer of the page you set up - there was not much out there in recent years and your page was a really good resource for me to research the greats.

My light show name is Spektraflash Lighting! and I am based in Melbourne Australia. I've been at it for about 5 years now. After being involved in various 'forgotten arts' like shoe making, wallpaper, I through it all out the window and went into lights for the rest of my life.

I use a lot of old vintage pluto, 12,000 lumen OHPs for colour rich op art, liquid light and the like.

Here are a couple of examples of my stuff in action

Thanks again for making the effort to document this amazing medium.


Pete Field - August 2017

Spektraflash Lighting
Spektraflash Lighting
Spektraflash Lighting