King Kong Lightgroup


King Kong Lightgroup , founding June 1969

King Kong Lightgroup was founded as a fusion on meeting in june 1969 at the Academy of fine Arts in Copenhagen between the group Anne Ditlevsen, Kjeld Christian Krarup and Steen Thure Krarup - and the group Kai Larsen and Michel Vincent.

The founders started separated Light Shows with Dias and Liquidprojections in 1968.

Michel Vincent and Kai Larsen expanded lightshow integrated with film from may 1969. The name "King Kong Lightgroup" was public used from September 1969. The King Kong Lightgroup performed at 59 cultural events in Scandinavia 1969-72.

Main art works:

Through the years 1968 to 1972 the group and single members developed theory and programs - and - for the programmed or improvised integrated rythmical multi-projection with use of liquid-movement (liquid paintings on glasses), zoom-effects (zoom-optics), additive color changes (colorfilters and -wheels), lighting technics, dias- and filmprojections
- created an unique style of colors, photography, graphical filters as M Vincent also produced unique films- and filmloops. - The group rehearsed programs and performances regularly and performed mostly at rockmusic or art events supported by dk cultureministry and nordic foundations.

Management in performances:

Kjeld Christian Krarup - (Liquid-slides/Colorfilter handling and projection)
Steen Thure Krarup - (Liquid-slides/Colorfilter/Colorwheel handling and projection and Stage Lighting)
Kai Larsen - (Liquid-slides/Dias/Colorwheel/Colorfilter handling and projection)
Anne Ditlevsen - (Dias/Colorwheel/Colorfilter handling and projection)
Michel Vincent - (Films and Filmloops/Colorfilter handling and projection)


( 12 - 32 projectors , stage lighting equipment and screens )
Rank Aldis Tutor 2 lightprojectors ( 8 projectors )
Kodak SAV diaprojectors ( 4 - 8 projectors )
Bolex 18-5l filmprojectors ( 4 - 12 projectors )
Colorfilters ( all projectors )
Colorwheels ( Liquid and dias projectors )
Liquidcolors and glasses ( Oil, Alcohol and Water colors - 5x5 and 7x7 cm glasses)
Stage lighting ( Spotlights with Colorfilterwheels, Fresnel- and Floodlights )
Controllers,potentiometers and technical accessories
Screens , total : height 8 x width 40 meter

Software created to the programs:

Kjeld Christian Krarup : Liquid-images , Graphic filters and Dias
Steen Thure Krarup : Liquid-images and Scenic-light
Kai Larsen : Liquid-images , Graphic filter and Dias
Anne Ditlevsen : Liquid-images and Dias
Michel Vincent : Liquid-image, Dias, Infrared dias, Films and Filmloops

King Kong Lightgroup
King Kong Lightgroup
King Kong Lightgroup
King Kong Lightgroup
King Kong Lightgroup